Exercises To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts

Take a moment to reset your body.

When anxiety strikes, it's helpful to have simple and effective techniques at your disposal to regain a sense of calm and control. Biofeedback exercises offer a practical approach to managing anxiety by leveraging the mind-body connection. In this article, we will explore biofeedback exercises that you can easily practise at home, each taking two minutes or less. These exercises focus on bringing awareness to your body and consciously regulating your physiological responses to reduce anxiety quickly.

  1. Relax Your Shoulders: Take a moment to pause and bring your attention to your shoulders. Notice any tension or tightness you may be holding in that area. Now, take a deep breath in and, as you exhale, consciously relax your shoulders, allowing them to drop away from your ears. Feel the release of tension as you let go. Repeat this exercise a few times, each time allowing your shoulders to relax more deeply.

  2. Wiggle Your Jaw from Side to Side: Many people hold tension in their jaw, especially when feeling anxious. Start by closing your mouth gently, allowing your teeth to rest slightly apart. Slowly wiggle your jaw from side to side, feeling the gentle movement and release of tension in your jaw muscles. Continue for a minute, breathing naturally as you do so. This exercise helps to relax the jaw and release any jaw clenching that may be associated with anxiety.

  3. Lower Your Tongue from the Roof of Your Mouth: When we're anxious, we often unconsciously press our tongue against the roof of our mouth, causing additional tension. Take a moment to become aware of the position of your tongue. If it's pressed against the roof of your mouth, consciously lower it and allow it to rest gently on the floor of your mouth. Notice the sensation of relaxation as your tongue finds a more natural resting position. Maintain this relaxed position for a minute or two, taking slow, deep breaths.

  4. Long, Slow Breath Out through Pursed Lips: This breathing technique helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation. Start by taking a slow, deep breath in through your nose, counting to four. Then, purse your lips together and exhale slowly and fully, counting to six or eight. Imagine you're blowing out a candle. As you exhale, feel the tension and stress leaving your body. Repeat this exercise several times, focusing on the long, controlled exhale.

These simple biofeedback exercises allow you to bring conscious awareness to your body and intentionally regulate your physiological responses, leading to a calmer state of mind. They can be practised discreetly in just a couple of minutes, making them ideal for quick relief during stressful situations.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to reaping the benefits of these exercises. Practise them regularly, especially during moments of anxiety, to train your body and mind to respond more effectively to stressors. By incorporating these biofeedback techniques into your daily routine, you can cultivate a greater sense of calm, resilience, and well-being.


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